Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Consumers v. Citizens

I just participated in a very interesting discussion about the distinction that America makes between consumers and citizens and whether the current tilt towards consumerism is a new phenomenon. Whether it's because I'm a product of Reaganomics, I know that the importance of consuming goods, services, etc, has become a fundamental part of my experience as an American. Definitely more so than, my ability/impetus to participate in the political process. I think that it has something to do with agency my ability to control and shape my life, has a lot to do with the things I can get.

Whether this is a positive development, I sure as hell don't know, but I do know that I think about buying things a lot more often than I think about changing society with a vote. Whether that is fortunate or unfortunate I'll let a multi-national conglomerate decide...


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