Thursday, October 26, 2006


Now why’s everybody so mad at the south for Change your style up.. switch 2 southpaw

So I've been on this huge music kick lately (must be the graduate school applications); seriously, the guy in the music department at Best Buy knows me by name (no shit). So I thought I'd take this opportunity to share some of the stuff that's going in my playlist..

Last 5 CD's I bought:
  1. Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
  2. Anberlin - Never Take Friendship Personal
  3. Lupe Fiasco - Food & Liquor
  4. The Roots - Game Theory
  5. Various Artists - Bossa Nova for Lovers
Having a little bit of buyer's remorse about the Pink Floyd album, but the Anberlin CD is hot (so that evens it up for me). And I definitely need to get another Bossa Nova album, ASAP. The Roots albums and the Lupe album are both classics... Don't sleep

Top 5 CD's I bang, that the other generalists will probably never own:
  1. Interpol - Antics
  2. Mae - The Everglow
  3. Metric - Old World Underground
  4. Bjork - Vespertine
  5. Joanna Newsome - The Milk Eyed Mender
All bangers... Although Joanna Newsome takes some getting used to (i've heard her voice compared to a 6 year old, as well as a 80 year old. She plays the harpsichord). You probably want to be in a pretty melancholy album when you listen to that Bjork album. And the Mae album might be the best album i've heard all year.

Top 10 Tracks on my Computer (by number played... since Aug. 2006)

Where is Stuntin' Like My Daddy???


Blogger Intellectivist said...

I see you on the wide range, and I thoroughly respect your taste. That Mae album is insanely good. Cats will be asleep on that one for a hot minute. This chick at work put me on to them a few months ago and I immediately "copped" the album (read: I didn't buy it) and was impressed.

9:33 AM  
Blogger Aristocrates said...

Well...she saw me cookin eggs and she though i was back at it

11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That Lupe is heated like you know who's fried chicken! I feel you on that Mae as well, but that Lupe is bangin out my speakers like honeymooners bang out bed sheets...
By the way, that movie and that song go so well together. The only reason I bought the soundtrack and the only song I will ever play on the soundtrack b/cuz the other songs are garb...

11:01 PM  

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