“A really smart person will come up with what you would come up with, only faster. A genius will come up with something that you would never come up with, no matter how long you worked on it.”
--Kevin Murphy, Economist, University of Chicago (and a certified genius with a MacArthur grant)
Perhaps equally sobering is his modesty as he - Kevin - follows that description with “I am not sure that under that definition, I would qualify.”
Which brings me to my two cents about "genius" Does the word more accurately describe the person or a concept? Is there such a thing as clear, crisp authentic thought that leads to genius or are acts of relative "genius" the result of work perfected over years? That being said, can people be rightly classified as geniuses - or does this term reflect a need for people to classify themselves as something different. Or is a genius just a person that recognizes his/her own relative shortcomings to something more powerful...
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