Sunday, February 27, 2005

Young Professional Hints 1.2

Desk Placement:

Important. If you work in an office, it is imperative that your computer screen not be facing the door. If this is your current configuration, congrats, you've just taken 2 years off your life. Why? Paranoia, my little office buddies, paranoia... Especially, especiiially if you like to listen to music through headphones... You get this weird feeling that everyone is sneaking up on you all the time. Your head turns around at every whisper.... Not a good look.

Fortunately, you have a couple options at this point:
  1. Quit your job, and find a place that has a cubicle (works well for concealing information)
  2. Rearrange your office to arrange for more peripheral vision (gives you a jump on the enemy's position)
  3. Ditch the music/headphones
  4. Install one of those things that they have in corner stores that rings everytime someone comes arcoss the threshold of your door
  5. Close your office door (unfortunately you run the risk of being considered the office shut-in if done too often)
  6. Don't visit websites that don't deal with official office business (LOL, yeah right!!!)


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