Monday, March 21, 2005

Spring This Thing Into Motion...

Undoubtedly, deciding on my appropriate/”hot”/meaningful/[insert contemporary adjective here] first post has been my most difficult and nagging personal task of the year of the hand-over-fist (’05). So, take a little external motivation (thanks) + a little more personal frustration and you arrive at: a first post. I found that like with most things of this nature – its for you to decide what that nature is - that I simply first had “to do” (post) and hammer out future particular details later (find content for said postings). My fellow and founding G (Generalist)-Block contributor has conventionally referred to this posting-vehicle as a “brain-dump.” To that point, it was time to dump the hesitancy pacing back-and-forth in my brain regarding my first musing and actually muse…

And I figured what better time than the first days of Spring to spring this endeavor into motion. We’ll see how long this lasts as I’ve never been disciplined enough to keep such a thing in motion (sound familiar?). In the meantime, you get 7 straight days.

“Here’s to the Block…”

(This is the second time I wrote this posting from scratch. The first one was essentially “Lost” when the server timed out and didn’t go through to the web page. Having to rewrite something relatively important after you have just written it, is right up there on the frustration scale with not being able to get a tennis ball out of your pocket and packing/unpacking/moving.)

Check the timestamp of this post…


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