Monday, February 20, 2006

In Case You Were Wondering

Yes, this Generalist is still attempting to read 52 books in the course of a year. Yes, I am behind both in terms of a book per week, and in posting (obviously). With a new position at work, I honestly expected to fall behind early on but with some upcoming cross country flights, I'll hope to catch up in mid March. As for posting the books I have actually read, I more or less haven't taken the time to bang out a quality post as I have flirted with brevity recently, a new fling of sorts. But I haven't given up the quest, not yet; it's just that lately your boy has been... (as my man, who loudly discussed his rapping and laying down tracks with the bus driver for seemingly everyone to hear, said):

"...too busy for time."

(Yea...assuming he didn't mean jail-time, when you can't even fit time into your schedule because you are that busy...yea, that's going into the quote bag.)


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