Tuesday, January 31, 2006


As, I'm on break from my extremely long conference in the A, I thought I would bang out a post right quick. Even though becomingme's posts make me blush, I figured I could muster up enough strength to get this quick one out.

So I was thinking about the two major lifestyle changes that I've made since the beginning of the year: 1) No more red meat; 2) reading a book a week; and I realized that my lifestyle really hasn't changed that much. So I don't get to eat a delicious double quarter pounder with cheese every now and then, or an equally delicious pepperoni pizza from papa johns. Big deal. The only thing I'm really missing is those covered hash browns from the waffle house.

The reading thing is a little more nuanced. I do miss playing my Playstation Portable on planes, but I feel a lot more encouraged about the formal knowledge that i'm amassing. As an armchair social theorist, I get a lot of ammo for the things that bounce around in my brain. As long as the content is varied, I should do okay. I'll let you guys know in a couple of months.

Interesting Fact: Today was the first day and I lied about having a blog. What a day.


Blogger becomingme said...

Ah, Sugar Plum, where ever have you been? I've missed you. As always, I have some questions.

Are you truly amassing formal knowledge by reading the books you've chosen? Or, are you amassing knowledge through reading books? I know it seems as though I am digging for a green jelly bean in a bowl of green m&m's, but I'm curious as to your take.

Do you have to give up pork? They say it's the other white meat. I could never give up red meat, I live for a good tube steak.

Finally, is the interesting fact interesting because only you can figure it out? Today is the first day of??? The obvious follow-up is why did you lie about having a blog?

Enjoy the "A." Will you be enjoying some of the kryptonite they have there? I hear that many there are up on it--straight up on it.

Enjoy, Sweetums.

8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must say dogg that I feel you. Not because I have taken up similar endeavors - I love all meat too much, especially steak. I don't want to get into any long descriptions but my mouth begins to straight water when I think about a big 'ol juicy porterhouse cooked medium with...nevermind, sorry about that, don't want to go Homer Simpson on you--drool...Oh, doughnuts... I also don't have the luxury of reading to guide my thoughts b/c my thoughts sort of have to guide what I'm reading as I complete stuff for school. However, I will say that I support your efforts and look forward to the day when you replace armchair with like PhD. You know how the family do it...

5:15 PM  
Blogger The Generalist said...

Hey there. Relating to the knowledge question, I think the confusion came from the loose way that I used the word formal in the post. I was using the term as a meaningless descrptor, but it seems to have thrown the idea off. My bad.

I decided to give up pork (and red meat), not for any particularly righteous reason, just that eating pork and red meat made me sluggish.

As for the blog lying, my co-con and I have created a "chinese wall" of sorts. But instead of keeping firm divisions seperate, we've decided to keep work life and blog life seperate. Lest we not forget the example of the fired flight attendant. Anyway, I told one of my colleagues that I was doing the book thing, and she suggested that I should blog about it. Enter lie stage right. And easy as that, something as pure and clean as the generalist blog, has been tarnished by the demands of secrecy. Pray for us.

12:00 AM  

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