Back in the Habit

"I went to the North Pole... and I went under the polar ice cap... in a nuclear submarine."
Now in case the ridiculosity of what this man just said somehow gets past you, let's break it down by parts.
- "I went to the North Pole..." Honestly, what percentage of the world's population will ever be able to say that? If you managed to survey the 100 most well-travelled people on Earth, maybe one of them (maybe one) would've had a reason to think about going to the North Pole.)
- "... I went under the polar ice cap..." I'm sorry... under the polar ice cap??? Just take a minute to wrap your brain around that one. And just when you find yourself sitting in a movie theater thinking How the hell does a person get under a polar ice cap?...
- "... in a fucking nuclear submarine." (profanity added for emphasis). At the end of the sentence, I involuntarily paused to wait for the punchline. No punchline folks. And the fact that it all just rolled off his tongue so smoothly, as if there was no difference between saying Scientists say the ice caps are melting, and I came up thru the ice caps in a nuclear submarine. ... Incredible. But maybe that's just me.
Also from tonight's outing, the trailer for the World Trade Center movie got me thinking that there are a few movies that I'll probably either never see or never see again. In particular:
- The Passion of the Christ
- United 93
- World Trade Center
In automotive news, I've recently become acquainted with the BMW 330Ci Coupe. When I say "become acquanted," I mean I've become aware that they exist. Now, I've never (ever) been a fan of BMWs, but this car is beautiful to me. Only this model, and only in white. And chance has it that there are two of them parked near my apartment building on a regular basis. Always near the front and always clean. Turns out, though, that no amount of maintenance or spotlighting can make up for the garishness of a big-ass yellow boot anchoring your shit to the concrete. Which got me to thinking...
The baseline sticker price on a 330Ci is $37,600. The standard fine for a parking violation in the City of Chicago is $75. I've never paid the note on a $37,000 car. But my hunch (and I could be wrong) is that if indeed one can afford to pay the note on a $37,000 car (and one is apparently managing well enough since one is parking one's car on a public street in main view and obviously not worried about it being repossessed) then one can afford to pay a $75 parking ticket.
I have a similar, but less intense, hunch whenever somone walks up to me smoking a cigarette and asks for money for food. I feel like I know some people who would say that smoking is a form of self-medication and is thereby an absolutely rational behavior for someone who lacks basic resources like food. I don't doubt in the least that this is true. I do wonder how they paid for the cigarettes though. My natural curiosity I guess.
So like I'm trying to respond, I really am because this is a hell of an insightful post, but I can't get beyond the fact that Puff said a couple of cuss words. Not that the use of "profanity" - what is a cuss word really - is something irregular, or that I, in some life past, once communicated with Puff on a regular basis and she never stated a profane thing. Sometimes its the smallest things that throw your concentration
So like I'm trying to respond, I really am because this is a hell of an insightful post, but I can't get beyond the fact that Puff said a couple of cuss words. Not that the use of "profanity" - what is a cuss word really - is something irregular, or that I, in some life past, once communicated with Puff on a regular basis and she never stated a profane thing. Sometimes its the smallest things that throw your concentration
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