"If I Did It"

Seriously, if this guy were "mysteriously killed" in the next 6 months, I wouldn't be shocked.
I was telling some of my friends, that there is no doubt in my mind who the two most hated men are in America. OJ Simpson and Osama Bin Laden. I guess Orienthal was not satisfied with number 2.
You gotta admit, this guy obviously does not give a fuck.
'If I did it, I would get the highest priced lawyer in the land and take him on my next hunting trip with Cheney. We'd chat over salads drenched in vinegar and OIL, hold the vinegar, and talk about how large our nuts are.'
OJ is ridiculously callous and you are right, he obviously could care less
p.s. never have I wanted a glass of juice so badly. The pic makes oj look so refreshing.
don't it though?!
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