Friday, July 20, 2007

All Things Political, vol. 6

Okay. Someone clearly needs to put down the laPtop and back away from the blog. I'm trying. In the meantime...

Came across some interesting trivia in my research for the last post. The 3rd person in the presidential line of succession, after Dick and Nancy, is one Mr. Robert Byrd, Democrat from West Virginia. This is infinitely fascinating in its implications. First, because if the least popular president of all time were to be incapacitated (God bless us), he would immediately be replaced by the only person in the country less preferable than himself (God help us). Then, if that person were to fall ill, he would immediately be replaced by the Speaker of the House, whom I don't know anything about, so we'll skip her. Now, if something were to happen to her, another Democrat would take her place. But, said Democrat would also be 90 years old, would have voted against the Civil Rights Act, vowed never to serve in the armed forces with black officers, and would once have been a member of the KKK. Finally, if bad luck or old age got the best of Mr. Byrd, Replacement #4 would be what appears from all observations to be a mindless drone of the original president.

Sleep tight.



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