Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Hate List 2.0

More companies I wish I could ruin, in the order in which I would ruin them.

4. Bank of America
First of all, why are you calling me? Second, why are you calling me and asking me how much money I make? Third, why are you calling to ask how much money I make and telling me that my credit lines (which you set) are too high for my income (which you knew about when you set the lines)? You are the most fee-induced, interest-rate raising, credit limit lowering, automated system hell having institution I have ever done business with. And if I thought I could actually get a person on the line, I would call and curse you out.

5. O'Hare Airport
Not the whole thing. Just the uber retarded, super ridiculous, utterly inane signage for the bus/shuttle center that took me down an elevator, through a corridor, and back up an elevator, eventually pointing me directly to a freakin' brick wall, all to get me across the street and around the corner. You are stupid and I hate you.

6. Cold Stone Creamery
I don't really want to "ruin" Cold Stone per se. But it is forever on my Suspect List. Any company that can turn something you love into something that causes you instantaneous and gut-wrenching pain is worthy of a few skeptical faces. I mean my gut was literally wrenched. And to be perfectly honest, even when they're not giving me food poisoning, I've never been really impressed with the Creamery. Not nearly as satisfying as say, Haagen Dazs Sticky Toffee Pudding (which everyone and their mother needs to know about, immediately). But I recognize that lots of folks are fans, so I won't hate (too hard).



Blogger Intellectivist said...

I will gladly hate Coldstone for you, because I think it's outright ridiculous for them to charge something like $10 a pop for an ice cream cup the size of a sample at any other shop. I never found that chopping up ice cream on a cold piece of stone really enhanced the taste. Maybe it's just cause I only like vanilla.

They also lose points for lack of name originality.

As for Bank of America, they donated $107 to my Vegas trip (thanks keep the change!). They get all love from me.

11:11 PM  

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