Tuesday, October 09, 2007

You think???

So by now we've all heard that the Chicago Marathon was called off at about 4 hours due to folks falling out in the middle of the race. Naturally, the runners who didn't finish are pretty pissed off. They're all over the news blaming the organizers for not having enough water and not making appropriate arrangements for a 26.2 race in 90-degree heat.

Word? Out of curiosity, what exactly are appropriate arrangements for such a race? Because me personally, I'm thinking when you decide to go for a 5-hour run and it's 90 degrees outside, you ought to be prepared for a pretty harrowing experience. Nevermind that a marathon is hard as hell under ideal conditions. Nevermind that doing anything in 90-degree heat is a bad idea. Let's put the two together and just hope for the best.

Seriously... whatever the mistakes were... is there any amount of water, cold sponges, and air misters that could make a 5-hour, 90-degree run not life-threatening? I'm just saying...


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