Thursday, September 29, 2005

Dallas Dreaming

Seeing as i'm in a Dallas hotel room, doing nothing, I figured I might as well check in. As uncle Rico said, "I might as well do something, while i'm doing nothing". Working out was an option, but flying 3 hours seems to suck the life out of you. Even with two episodes of Naruto to keep you company.

This book idea is becoming a significantly imposing task. I realize that I'm going to definitely have to change my habits. Unfortunately this may mean postponing my goal to be 'king of all media.' I will definitely have to get more disciplined about chucking books that take a million years to get into. I simply won't have the time.

Take the Calvino book for example. I'm reading it now, even though I can only take about 10 pages at at a time. Unfortunately, it just saps all the energy out of me. Its almost like it contains a small sedative. Maybe my brain is just slowly turning to mush. It might be time for the generalist to go back to school.

P.S. Airline food, is still nothing to sing home about. Even in the front of the plane. Just so you know.

P.P.S. Starship Troopers is a criminally underrated movie. For pseudo social-commentary, it definitely gets the job done.


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