Thursday, September 01, 2005

Where's The Good News?

Not to push back the previous post which I believe holds much lasting power but damn folks, is there any good news???

Hurricane Katrina - Belabored enough, or actually - incredibly, maybe not enough really, but today's development...a hot damn SNIPER??? WHAT? I mean given all the circumstances someone found it in their best interest to snipe down folks. I suppose that anyone who has a disposition to be a casual sniper in the first place may not really give two cents about the terrible situation but ummm...I don't know...just hard for me to fathom.

And while it is obviously horrible for a hurricane to devastate any area, if there was ever a worse place, I think it would be New Orleans - given its infrastructure (levees from...oh...well, before planes flew), city layout, and poverty. Speaking of poverty...

Poverty - From this Washington Post article, "Even with a robust economy that was adding jobs last year, the number of Americans who fell into poverty rose to 37 million - up 1.1 million from 2003 - according to Census Bureau figures released Tuesday." Asians were the only ethnic group to show a decline, while statistics for blacks and Hispanics were flat...the growth stems from an increase in impoverished non-Hispanic whites. The median household income stood at just over $44,000 which won't do any good given inflation, the housing bubble, and of course, raising gas prices. Speakin of gasoline...

Gasoline - I read another article on CNN, and I didn't link it because there are stories on every single website that legitimately covers the "news," that gas may soon approach an average price of $4. 1..2..3...4 freakin dollars.

"WE...CAN'T...AFFORD...NO GAS...SO-WE-AIN'T-DRIVING!" - Broke Phi Broke (K. West)

If that is the case, I may never leave the Big City of Dreams. Speaking of the Big City of Dreams...

Big City of Dreams - To my knowledge, all's well in Gotham, but my desk is made of wood and I'm knockin' on it.


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