Sunday, July 23, 2006

52 Books, Week 23: Watership Down

"Watership Down tells the story of a group of rebellious rabbits who — against the wishes of their Chief Rabbit — escape from their threatened warren. The story follows their subsequent adventures. They find sanctuary in a warren on the down for which the book is titled, but the story continues after this."

Why I Read it
: I actually heard about it on a lost podcast (the tv show), and then read a description on which raved about it. Its been described as Lord of the Rings with rabbits, and if you can get over the furry cute animal aspect of the work, it turns out to be a very good story.

Should You Put it on your list: Like I said if you like can over the cute fury animals, and are willing to get into a book about rabbits who are trying to organize a new society, then go for it. It weighs in at about 400+ pages, but it reads very quickly. The characters are pretty diverse, and they trouble they get in to
is compelling enough to hold your attention. May be a slightly risky move, but I wasn't disappointed.



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