Wednesday, February 28, 2007

It's the Questions

1. Isn't it genuinely mind-boggling that Martin Scorcese didn't have an Oscar until 3 days ago?
2. Don't we think Forrest Whitaker should write down his acceptance speeches from now on?
3. Aren't Justin and Fergie's albums just a little bit hotter than you'd like to admit they are?
4. Can you think of anyone who would beat out Tim Hardaway for Dumbest Man Alive?
5. What the hell is wrong with Scottie Pippen?
6. Does the fact that 35 degrees feels like a "nice day" after a month of sub-zero wind chills mean that cold is a state of mind? or at least that it's relative?
7. How much of a baller would you be if you didn't have to pay taxes?
8. Is R. Kelly the most prolific musician of our generation? Think about it...
9. (... as much as I like being feisty.)
10. Speaking of co-contributors (tri-contributors?)... where's Aristocrates' Vegas post? There has to be one afterall. Right?

Bonus Question: As I write this at 5am... Should I have known that 4 shots of espresso at 7pm would equal zero hours of sleep for me tonight?



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