Thursday, January 25, 2007

List Time

A list of some recent ridiculous things to me, the first two courtesy of good ole
  • A rather stunning story on this morning from Wright Thompson: The tale of Genarlow Wilson, a high school football player and honors student who is serving a 10-year sentence for having consensual oral sex with a 15-year-old girl when he was 17. Thanks to the strange -- some might say insane -- (since-repealed) laws of Georgia, "it was a misdemeanor for teenagers less than three years apart to have sexual intercourse, but a felony for the same kids to have oral sex." That is without question the most backward thing we have ever heard...
  • There is a freaking Barbaro Message Board. Let me be clear. Again, if you so choose, you can write Barbaro an electronic message. Barbaro...the racehorse. That being inexplicitly said, this is my favorite post:

"Whoa B! Aside from being soooo photogenic, you actually LOOK right into the camera, at the person taking your photo. Yup. In almost all your photos. The other horses do not! It is that something inside you that knows. WOW!"

...He/she said "Whoa B!" Classic. And come on...tell me you didn't chuckle when you looked at the pic.

  • The number of "classless" Bear fans' signs and taunts along the lines of the "Bears finishing what Katrina started" and "Where's FEMA?" I'll make an inappropriate joke out of anything but to do that in public and on TV just seemed a little overboard. (Note: This is NOT a generalization of all Chicago fans by any means; I was simply shocked that there were so many individuals who took it there. I'm assuming it could have happened no matter where the Saints played.)
  • If I recall correctly, The State of the Union Address went more or less like this:

Bush: "First, we must balance the federal budget. (Applause.) We can do so without raising taxes. (Applause.) What we need to do is impose spending discipline in Washington, D.C. We set a goal of cutting the deficit in half by 2009, and met that goal three years ahead of schedule. (Applause.) " (Aside: Errr, that's kind of crazy in a time of war.)

Bush: "I woke up this morning and brushed my teeth. (Applause.) Had a terrific breakfast of eggs and bacon. (Applause.) Had the bubble guts and dropped a deuce. (Applause.) What an incredible deuce it was. (Applause.) One that will relieve me and help me better serve the nation. (Applause. Applause. Applause.)"


Blogger Puff said...

Wow. I obviously wasn't paying attention to the fan posters. And we know I love a good fan poster. Also, the City of Chicago appreciates the disclaimer; and we apologize on behalf of the classless among us.

As you already know how I feel about the speech, I won't recapitulate. I will only echo your sentiments. Verbatim. (I should find a way to conjugate that.)

11:13 PM  
Blogger Intellectivist said...

Again, not to generalize, but let's not forget Chicago is also the place where two White Sox fans jumped out of the stands to beat the hell out of a Kansas City Royals Third Base Coach, DURING the game.

12:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I love Bush #2 "bubble guts"
Full of hilare

11:07 PM  

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