Bee Keeping

Interesting Story: About 8 years ago I was signing up for some music forum online and I needed a login name. I wanted something random and not related to my actual name. In about a minute I came up with i2012. Why/How? I have no idea. It just occurred to me, and I like it to this day.
Later I started wondering why such a "random" number would ever occur to a person. Eventually I became convinced that "i" was simply I, and 2012 was a year. Other than being the year in which I should turn 30, I felt like something significant would happen to me in that year... no idea what.
Then came word from Aristocrates that the Mayan calendar is predicting that 2012 would bring the end of the world as we know it. Upon hearing something like that one can't help but wonder how exactly it'll be that the world will end. ... Which brings me to the title of this post.
Supposedly, Albert Einstein once said that if all the bees disappeared from the earth, man would have "only four years of life left," the logic being no bees = no pollination, no pollination = no crops, no crops = no animals, no crops and no animals = no people. And well, it seems the bees are disappearing. Give Einstein's prediction an extra year since "all" the bees haven't disappeared, and we're looking at massive crop shortage that produces worldwide starvation by about 2012.
So how's this for coincidence: Roughly 8 years ago I came up with a random number that I was convinced had some extraordinary significance, only to find out that it happens to coincide with both ancient and modern forecasts for the end of the world.
Nice, huh?
Labels: Bees
As acheronian as the presumed end thought may be, that's one of the most quality posts on The Musings in a minute...
acheronian - adj. dark and dismal as Acheron, the river of woe in Hades (origin: Greek Mythology)
Your. Life.
You've got as the Simpsons famed TreeHouse of Horror V states
"The Shinning".................
(for those unfamiliar google the 5 best simpsons treehouse episodes)
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