Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Speak On It

So I took one of those "blogthings" tests entitled, "What Kind of American English Do You Speak?" My results broke down as follows:

50% General American English
35% Yankee
15% Dixie
0% Midwestern
0% Upper Midwestern

Now, obviously, I'm not really giving this for-fun test any real credence (nor do I really know what is meant by "General American English") but if you take the test for what it is, its funny how I feel this hits right on the head of how I "speak." I oscillate evenly between slang with the homies (and even those who dont understand = coworkers, random folks I encounter) and "proper" English, as they say, while also continually striving to improve my vernacular. That equates to 50% General American English. Then, when I head down South, I always get the "you from the East Coast/New York" and when I'm up North, I always get (like at the Popeyes on E. 45th Street) "you from Down South somewhere." Nah folks...I'm from smack dab in the middle, and people from the u-rea tend to straddle the (Mason-Dixon) line. It's still primarily a contingent of the East Coast but it definitely has influence from the South, which nicely equates for a 35%-15% split between "Yankee" and "Dixie." And sorry Midwesterners, unlike Gatorade, it just ain't in The Kid...

"We can go to the 'D' where Dwele dwell / D.C., P.G., or ATL" - The Messiah...oh my bad, I mean, Kanye West

But really, has there ever been a more appropriate lyric for this blog (individually and on the whole)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all my "northern/midwestern/anything not southern" homies...you know it doesn't get any better than us chicks out there speaking that Dixie.

"Southern girls are God's gift to the entire male poplulation. There is absolutely no woman finer than one raised below the Mason-Dixon Line, and once you go Southern, may the good Lord help you, you never go back."
~Kenny Chesney

9:22 AM  

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