Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Amazing Race

Given the two articles that I'm posting for your reading pleasure, I'll admit I'm proud of this post's title - well not that proud, it fits only if you make it fit.

For this first one, I don't have an opinion mostly because the title seems more dramatic than the content, I thought it might be just interesting enough to merit forwarding to the millions of people who read this site:

Why Race Isn't As 'Black' And 'White' As We Think

But really, I just needed to fill up a little space so that I could make available Scoop Jackson's best written article since he joined ESPN. It's not that I don't universally like Scoop's articles, I just think he tries a little too hard to be poetic sometimes. But on this day, he got into your boy Phil Jackson and was - on the whole - on point. FYI, this is less about basketball and much much more about Jackson's comments about Hip-Hop "prison garb and thuggery."



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