State of the American Black Man

1. How many hours a week do you spend watching BET?
A) 70-80 B) 90-120 C) All of them
2. How many white t-shirts do you own?
3. How many white people's home numbers do you have?
A) 0 B) 1-4 C) More than 5
4. How many collect calls do you receive from a correctional facility? How many do you accept?
5. Whose fault if you don't have a job? A) The white man B) Nobody's hiring C) I got a felony D) 'Cause that job was some ol' BS anyway.....
6. What is your favorite movie? A) Friday B) Next Friday C) Friday After Next
7. Tupac or Biggie? A) Tupac B) Biggie
8. What is your Katrina status?
A) Displaced by Katrina B) Inconvenienced by family displaced by Katrina
9. If you were caught in a hurricane and had to "scavenge" to survive, what would you take first? A) Food B) Clothing C) Flat-screen
10a. Do you date outside your race? A) Yes B) No
10b. If no, do you know what you're missing? A) Yes B) No C) I'm not sure
10c. If yes, what is her ethnicity? A) Asian
11. What costs more? A) Your house B) Your chain
12) Where does your money gain the most interest?
A) Your watch B) Your car C) Your grill
13) How much do you tip? A) 5% B) 2% C) Depends on what I'm workin' with
14. Why didn't you vote in the last election?
A) My ride ain't show up B) I was 'sleep C) I got a felony
15. What is the last book you read?
A) The Source B) XXL C) Do text messages count?
16. What career path (legal) has the greatest chance of success?
A) Rapper B) Athlete C) Playing the lottery
17. Do you have any idea how f'd up Wal-Mart is?
A) No B) Man, I don't care about that s---, I'm trying to save money.....
18. Why didn't you go to college?
A) Wasn't interested B) Couldn't afford it C) Got drafted into the NBA
19. What is your favorite news show?
A) Anderson Cooper 360 B) MSNBC C) 106 & Park
20. Does George Bush care about black people?
A) No B) Yes C) Don't know, been in jail since Clinton"
I initially called it the print equivalent of the Chappelle Show whene he had the mock game show, but then I thought not quite because this one directly speaks to and tongue-in-cheekly criticizes black folks. But you can guess how I took it...
As far as Aaron McGruder is concerned, he's always been a cynic so I take his opinions very lightly and I question anyones motives for allowing him the space or vehicle to express himself. However there is great tension because I have this strong desire to answer this questionnaire.
Personally, I am a Friday fan. I actually used to watch it at least two Fridays a month in 1998. The two sequels I've seen only once.
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