Thursday, July 14, 2005

Career vs. Job - Revisited

First of all, it's tight to be able to revisit your co-contributor's post.

Secondly, today - Bastille Day - is the 1-year anniversary of my first full-time position. It seems an appropo time to go back in the postings vault and reflect on an entry provided before I came into writing existence.

Now, browse this February 2, Career vs. Job post...

If I were to reflect on the "3 Factors for Job Happiness," on the whole, I'm doing well.

1. Money - It's not the greatest pay in the world but I knew that when I made a decision to go into marketing as opposed to finance. Relatively speaking, I can't complain too much (re: too) and given the supposed nest-egg I built up, I was able to comfortably resist the temptation of taking a higher-paying, but likely less-enjoyable, financial services position. Furthermore, I just got a raise and while everyone in my group received one and it isn't anything to brag about, I got one nonetheless.

2. Coworkers - This is where my job absolutely shines. Obviously, we cannot work with all of our trustworthy friends, so understanding that, you couldn't randomly select a better group of people with which to work. Enough said.

3. Type of Work Done - I'm working on a product that I genuinely enjoy consuming myself, and though I'm not directly in the field, I'm also dealing with a product that feeds one of the few things I consider a passion (sports). Out-of-college that's pretty nice. Furthermore, once you adjust your lifestyle to your salary, I concur that it's the perks that make the job. To that point, I've been to Giants Stadium, Madison Square Garden, Yankee Stadium, Shea Stadium (all multiple times) - China Grill, Blue Fin, Ruby Foos, a Mafia Party - 18 different airports, many of which I would probably never go on my own - play Foosball & Bubble Hockey in the office - and "water cooler" conversation is about your fantasy team performance. If that ain't me, then what is? (I'm sure some readers will see that as a dumbed-down life but it's up to me to supplement this entertaining part of my life with whatever else is necessary to my own personal growth.)

So, as it stands, there is no immediate need for me to log-on to or - that is, if my group exists past December - :)


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