Thursday, July 28, 2005

Pop Culture Review

I saw Wedding Crashers last weekend and while I found it entertaining...and worth seeing...and was glad I went; I certainly wasn't as amused or enthralled as I had hoped to be. The first hour or so was funny enough - though nothing outrageously humorous - but after it turned the corner where Owen Wilson falls in love, the movie hit a precipitous drop. I would have rather seen much more (or detailed) weddings crashed. It stretched out too long, had some unnecessary scenes to me, and when I thought it was going to step-up a notch for the second-half and become the classic it was hyped to be...ummm, it did not - at all. Just my two cents, but I'm not a movie critic and for that matter, I don't really have to write anything because its already been written by who else - my "personal god" as some would call him - Bill Simmons:

In case you do not read the article, my favorite excerpt from his review is below (why? it just is [devilish smile]):

"They nailed something else rarely done correctly in movies: The clingy sex fiend with crazy eyes who scares the living hell out of you, then you end up dating her for a few months just because she makes you fear for your life. We all have that one friend who couldn't stop dating girls like this (I wish I could name mine, but he's getting married soon and probably wouldn't appreciate it), and only for one reason: "The sex is FEEEEEE-nomenal." These are usually the girls who end up slashing your tires or causing you to change your phone number 20 different times in a five-month span. But you never see them in movies unless it's one of those "Basic Instinct" ripoffs, like "The Temp," or "The Ex" or pretty much every Shannon Tweed movie. It's nice to see one in a comedy."


In the second half of the above article, Simmons reviews the remake of Bad News Bears. In case you do not read the article, my favorite excerpt from this review is below:

"Admittedly, the old "Bears" is a little dated. But it's not like the remake is overwhelmingly modern -- in fact, Buttermaker makes not one but two Helen Keller jokes during the course of the movie. Helen Keller? Really? So you're updating a beloved baseball comedy from 1976 and you're adding Helen Keller jokes? That has to be the most perplexing comedy moment of the year that doesn't involve the words 'Comedy Central just gave D.L. Hughley his own talk show.'"

Why does D.L. Hughley get shown so much love? He's my equivalent to a Garfield comic for my co-contributor. But let's see: ComicView, Kings of Comedy, The Hughleys, and now Comedy Central - again, what do I know?

On another note, Eric Neel (another ESPN Page 2 columnist - who do I work for again?) wrote the most detailed analysis of a print advertisement I've ever seen. Not that I've really read any before. Anyhow, the article below picks apart everything from the words to the photography of the new Kobe Bryant Nike ad as seen in the July 11-18 issue of Sports Illustrated (there we go Aristocrates). Quick and engaging:


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