52 Books, Week 1, Vol. 2: Busting Vegas

Well, even though it seems to be a nice suggestion by The Generalist, I doubt you will get a post of all of the books I am considering because I don't really have a complete grasp of that list myself. Just be lucky that I even got off to a good start on this whole 52-books-in-52-weeks enterprise. Now I will admit that I started this book a few days before the start of 2006. However, I feel like I adequately made up for that bit of a headstart by also finishing not one (as I had originally planned) but two books that I had repeatedly tried to complete. (I thought about "reviewing" those books here but I think I will feature them as bonus posts later - yeah right.) So, in terms of total pages read, I think I am at the point I would have been had I simply started it in 2006.
I chose this as my first book for a couple of reasons:
1. I went to Las Venturas for New Year's (ummmm yesssss sirrrrrrr) and it seemed appropriate.
2. I wanted a lengthy but quick read to get me in the physical habit of reading.
3. I wanted something of extracurricular interest that would, as #2, make it easier to get in the physical habit of reading.
This book touches on key-card sequencing, "hubris, sex, love, violence, fear, and statistics." Furthermore, you learn things like prostitution is officially sanctioned in Clark County whereas prostitution is technically illegal in Las Vegas itself. HOWEVER, paying a girl to come to your room and take off her clothes is not considered prostitution. This "loophole became a doorway because once a girl was naked in your room, what happened next was fairly elementary." Only a book of and about Vegas could teach such things. In other words, this is a fair read on an airplane especially to and from Las Venturas. Otherwise, it is a choppily written though sometimes overly descriptive "fiction" story deemed destined for a movie script.
As for Week 2, its crazy and pure coincidence that the co-con and I randomly chose the exact same book. And that my friends is why we share a blog.
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